Summary: In this episode of The Six Figure Author Experiment, hosts Monica and Russell welcome co-host Lee Savino and guest Ines Johnson, a prolific romance author and Kickstarter powerhouse. Ines dives deep into the art of crafting page-turner pacing, drawing from her background in screenwriting and television. She shares insights into the structural techniques that keep readers hooked, such as adapting episodic storytelling methods to novels and mastering subplot integration.
Key highlights include:
Kickstarter Success: Ines shares how Russell inspired her to relaunch a Kickstarter campaign, leading to a staggering $24,000 in just two days.
The Page-Turner Formula: Ines discusses her screenwriting roots and how the discipline of episodic TV informs her approach to building tension and satisfying resolutions in books.
Writing Weird and Marketable: The group debates balancing creative uniqueness with market demands, encouraging authors to lean into tropes and genres while adding their personal "special sauce."
Books for Fans vs. Audience Growth: Ines and the hosts explore how authors can create projects to satisfy devoted readers while planning broader appeal books to attract new fans.
Practical Writing Tips: From understanding shared marketing language in tropes to layering storylines using concepts like Levitt's Paradigm, this episode is packed with actionable advice.
The episode also tackles questions from the audience about applying pacing techniques to unconventional books, tracking subplots, and the value of creating standalone versus serialized works.
Takeaway: Whether you're a plotter, a pantser, or somewhere in between, this episode delivers essential strategies for crafting compelling narratives, building a loyal audience, and navigating the complexities of the modern publishing landscape.
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